Mission Teams (A.P.A.C.S.)
The acronym A.P.A.C.S is a concept that illustrates the variety of talents, skills and resources that comes alongside a missionary in his service on the field. The concept takes into account years of research on the situations missionaries face while serving the Lord in those places. As the Church set aside missionaries for God's service, we want to ensure that the body of Christ is going with them, that the Church is on mission right alongside them. The purpose of A.P.A.C.S. are first and foremost the missionary team that will support them spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally as they serve. The are need both at organizational as well as individual levels. This concept does not dictate the exact workings of the teams, as we believe the Spirit will guide in knowing what is needed on the field, but it helps give direction to the missionary and also those who will make up the teams to know how best to serve the mission.
The 5 teams that make up A.P.A.C.S. are:
Accountability Team
Deep personal commitment to the missionary’s spiritual success as an individual and family · Confession of sin is regular but met with grace and restorative prayer · Encouragement through regular meeting times where the walks with Christ are discussed.
Support Team
Committed to monthly or annual financial partnership · These team members “go with us” through their giving and share in the fruits of our labors · They are investing in the Kingdom through you, transferring their Kingdom resources into Kingdom needs, as the Holy Spirit directs.​
Prayer Team
Committed to praying daily for the missionary’s family, willing to go through spiritual warfare, and is deeply concerned over the spiritual and well-being of the missionary’s family · Has the mentality of “You go into the well, but we hold the rope.”
Care & Crisis Team
May or may not be monthly/annual financial partners · Have agreed that should a family emergency or crisis occur, they will organize support, resources and/or financial aid · Not necessarily those with financial resources, but those willing to arrange and organize an effort on the missionary’s behalf · Their involvement should range from encouragement notes to emergency management.
Advancement Team
May or may not be monthly/annual financial partners · Promote awareness, support, and prayer for you and the missionary’s mission · Understand through detailed instruction what it takes to get the work done while you are out of the country · Willing to do things like print letters and stuff envelopes, host fundraiser.
Where are you sensing the Lord leading you to bring support to our mission? Please let us know. In case, you would like to discuss your choice further, please do not hesitate to contact us and visit our websites.


The work is more urgent than ever. However, we will not be able to keep this charge until we have invited those whom the Lord has prepared to support this work with us.
Please consider this invitation prayerfully, according to your heart for the Lord and with His grace and hear how HE is leading you into this call.
Use the form below to invite us to share more with you personally. You may also just send us a message through our contacts here to send us an invite to a meeting on Zoom, Google Meet, Teams or any preferred social media.
Email: antonin.azoti@windsimpact.org (copy antonin.azoti@outlook.com),
Skype: antonin.azoti@outlook.com.
Tel: (+1) 314 307 3882.

Our strength is amplified with collective action, and you can help make a difference with Winds International right now! The support we receive is a huge driver of the support to local Churches in their fulfilment of the Mission of God. Get in touch today and join our team in making a lasting impact.
(Please copy them all to ensure a fast response)
Skype: antonin.azoti@outlook.com.
Tel: (+1) 314 307 3882.
Feel free to send us an invite for a meeting on Zoom, Google Meet, Teams or any preferred social media