Winds International is a collaboration of organizations and people from the ‘Global North’ and ‘South’ serving together the Mission of God. They see the urgency of the call to support the Church in the Global South in carrying forward the hope and foundations of our faith into the next dimension of this generation, with spiritual and physical capacity.
Winds International
Winds International is a collaboration of organizations and people from the ‘Global North’ and ‘South’ serving together the Mission of God. They see the urgency of the call to support the Church in the Global South and especially Africa in carrying forward the hope and foundations of our faith forward into the next dimension of this generation, with spiritual and physical capacity.
The prime distinctive of Winds International lies in the fact that we recognize the unique position of the local Church as the principal bearer of the mandate to fulfill the Mission of God in its community. We recognize the need to support the Church by joining the Lord in His work of building His Church for His mission.
We Serve Servants With Digital Opportunities
Internet Users
Average Time
5,169 billions people use internet today
​7 hours is the average time consumers use on internet daily (6h42mn exactly).
The average person will spend nearly two hours (approximately 116 minutes) on social media.
​An estimated 37 per cent of the world's population – or 2.9 billion people – have still never, ever used the Internet.
Many of them live in countries not accessible to the hope of the Gospel
Many seek answers that the Gospel can provide
Winds collaborates with partners to equip the Church, ministers, church workers and communities in the use of technology for the purpose of completing the Great Commission with more effectiveness.